Partnership with pig farmers
Vion aspires to long-term partnerships with its suppliers and co-operates intensively with pig farmers, traders and sector organisations. This close collaboration with professional and reliable partners guarantees food safety. In this way, we can supply consumers with safe and delicious high-quality meat. On the basis of this co-operation, we have also been successful in jointly developing sustainable programmes regarding animal welfare.

Service for pig farmers
Partnership with the pig farmers is an important part of Vion Pork’s strategy. In the Netherlands, the company implements this through Vion Farming. In Germany, this is done through Vion Zucht und Nutzvieh. These entities are responsible for optimally tailoring the supply of pigs to meet market demand.
We also support pig farmers in their operations by advising and supplying them with information. Our FarmingNet online information system is an important tool in this area. FarmingNet gives pig farmers insight into their results and enables them to further optimise their business together with Vion and the feed advisor or veterinarian. We also inform our suppliers about relevant developments through newsletters and Vion Farming and Vion Zucht- und Nutzvieh websites.