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Products & brands

Our products

From pork to beef, from hamburgers to schnitzels, from organic to vegetarian, and much more… discover the great variety of meat and vegetable products that Vion has to offer, for the industrial market, retail and the out-of-home segment. For more information go to our online product catalogue.

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Our brands

Our wide range of brands and concepts is tailored to the wishes of our customers. Besides the brands for regular pork and beef products for various sales markets, Vion has brands that specialise exclusively or largely in organic or vegetarian products.

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Qualitylabels and market concepts

Our Good Farming approach concentrates production according to the specific wishes of customers and markets. This approach means that Vion works in a demand-driven way, supplying meat of a specific quality. We also use recognised quality systems, tracking & tracing and a great deal of knowledge and expertise to guarantee certified quality. Moreover, we view sustainability as an integral part of the supply chain. Animal welfare is also an important part of the Good Farming supply chain concepts.

To our market concepts