Sponsor request
Sponsorship policy
We believe it is important to contribute to society. As a company we invest in, among other things, food safety, employment and working conditions, animal welfare, traceability and product integrity. We offer wholesome food to more than 100 million consumers on daily basis, adhering to a healthy eating pattern. We want to take our responsibility by making a significant contribution to social issues such as providing sustainable Food that Matters for a growing world population. Every day, we receive numerous requests to sponsor an event, a club, activity or charity. We evaluate these requests and make conscious choices. When we evaluate the projects we sponsor, we take the following into account:
Significant contribution
The projects we sponsor should contribute to our CSR objectives. That way they are of added value for all those involved.
Relationship with a balanced supply chain, from farmer to consumer?
We support projects, activities or events that are directly related to our professional activities or work method.
Vion does not support:
- Individuals
- Individual teams within a (sports) club
- Parties that have no other objective than to party
- Organisations that in any way whatsoever discriminate on the grounds of religion, sex, skin colour, nationality or political opinion.
- Events with known (food) safety risks or known detrimental consequences to the surroundings or environment
- Funds or organisations that do not have a transparent cash flow or form of organisation
Only requests that meet the above criteria will be considered. Your sponsorship request can only be submitted by sending an email to groupcommunication@vionfood.com.