BBQ Star

Premium barbecue range
True barbecue lovers like to go big. That’s why Vion offers a premium barbecue range: BBQ Star. With BBQ Star, consumers are able to put premium meat on the grill. It’s delicious all by itself, but even more tasty thanks to specially developed herb rubs and marinades.
The BBQ Star range stands for premium quality meat with a delicious taste. With BBQ Star, you can put a tough piece of beef from the Simmental breed on your barbecue. Whether you are an experienced grill master or a budding barbecue enthusiast, BBQ Star is for everyone. With the handy preparation tips and instruction videos from BBQ Star, we will help you prepare the barbecue meat perfectly and surprise your guests.
With all nine types of meat of BBQ Star you will also find a spice mix that is carefully composed to bring your perfectly prepared steak to an even higher level. With BBQ Star, you will be the star chef of your barbecue.

Get in touch

SFB Fleisch- u. Kühlcentrale GmbH

Vion Hilden GmbH

Vion FKM Furth im Wald GmbH

Vion Crailsheim GmbH

Vion Waldkraiburg GmbH

FVZ Convenience GmbH

Vion Scherpenzeel B.V.
The Netherlands

ME-AT Leeuwarden B.V.
The Netherlands

Vion Groenlo B.V.
The Netherlands

Vion Enschede B.V.
The Netherlands

Vion Boxtel B.V.
The Netherlands

Vion Apeldoorn B.V.
The Netherlands

Encebe Vleeswaren B.V.
The Netherlands


BestHides GmbH

Der Grüne Weg GmbH

Vion Beef B.V.

Vion Retail Groenlo B.V.
The Netherlands